Celebrating 10K Reviews: Our Favorite Customer Stories

Celebrating 10,000 Reviews: Our Favourite Customer Stories

Every now and then, a moment comes along that compels us to pause and reflect on where we are as a company.

Some are obvious milestones like when someone first requested to buy our Instagram artwork; some are long anticipated like when we launched God’s fingerprint in the Illuminated Gold Foil edition. And... some slowly build up over the years—and come as an unexpected surprise—like the one we’re celebrating today: our 10,000th review. 

When we (Jason + Laura) started God’s fingerprints back in 2015… We didn’t know what God was going to do with it.

But, our mission from the start was to declare the truth of God’s Word through artwork. 

Our business started as a passion project that combined our love for God and artwork. We started out by sharing Scripture Art on Instagram.

Hearing about how the artwork touched people’s lives and drew them closer to God was a confirmation that God was leading us.

Soon after, our followers started asking if they could buy prints.

Eventually, we started a small Etsy shop.

And people continued requesting prints.

So we expanded to an official online store.

And…in 2019, we were finally able to both work for God’s fingerprints full time.

Fast-forward to 2021, and we’re now a team of 7 people dedicated to sharing God’s word through artwork.

In September of this year, we reached 10,000 5-star reviews.

And it’s all thanks to you.

We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for our customers… A community of passionate believers dedicated to God and His Word.

You really do mean the world to us. And we’re so grateful we get to partner with you to spread God’s Word through artwork—whether in our homes… or as gifts to our friends and family.

Over the years, we’ve been overwhelmed by the responses we’ve received from our community.

As a way to honor this amazing community, we wanted to highlight some of our favorite reviews, testimonials, and stories.

If you want to see our complete collection of reviews, you can check them out here.

Giving Scripture Art as a Gift

“For God so loved the world that He gave...” (John 3:16).

Generosity is one of the core aspects of God’s nature. And, as Acts 20:35 states, “It is more blessed to give than receive.” One of the greatest joys is seeing the look in a loved one’s eyes after we’ve given them a gift.

But…How do you find the perfect gift—one that isn’t simply forgotten within a few months? One that has a lasting impact? The answer is to find out what someone treasures most, and offer something that represents that treasure.

As believers, it can be challenging trying to find the perfect gift… However, we share a common treasure: God and His Word.

We believe Scripture Art is an incredibly powerful way to give the gift of God’s Word.. And... do it in a beautiful way.

Here are a few gift-giving stories that have touched our hearts over the years.


18x24 Letterpress - Customer Review


18x24 Letterpress - Customer Review


18x24 Letterpress - Customer Review  

“We both cried...” (Husband & Wife Story)

We got an email from a girl named Sara—she told us about her experience ordering one of the fingerprints...

"I gave the large print of God's Fingerprint Letterpress to my husband for his birthday.
It was the best reaction to a gift that I have ever given. 
When I gave the fingerprint to my husband we both cried with joy as we read over the Word.
My quick-witted husband was speechless—which is something I've never seen before! Thank you so much for all that you do!" 
– Sara W


After Laura and I read it, we were stunned.



We had realized that a few days before... her husband also contacted us!

Here's his story:

"My wife of six months, Sara, gave me a print of your fingerprint yesterday and I am not going to lie, I wept. 
I could do nothing but worship our loving Lord and my eyes jumped from line to line...
It was like she took the love letter I have shared my coffee with every morning for years, and gave it to me all at once. 
I cannot tell you enough how beautiful it was. 
It is by far the most precious thing I own. 
You somehow took the expanse of God's pursuit of me and fit it on a canvas. My walk with the Lord has been full of deep sorrow but also finding that walking on water is very much still in His plans. 
Reading each verse and remembering when He had shown it to me is a humbling and wonderful thing. It is a scrapbook for the soul..."
– Casey W


18"x24" Letterpress - Customer Review


Soar On Wings Like Eagles - Isaiah 40:31 | Customer Review


18"x24" Letterpress - Customer Review

How Scripture Art Reminds Us of God’s Truth

The Bible teaches us to display God’s Word in our homes. Regarding God’s commandments, Deuteronomy 6:9 states “Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”

We believe Scripture Art is one of the best ways to fulfill that command.

In a world of distractions and busyness, it can be a real battle focusing on God’s Word. Between full-time jobs, raising kids (and grandkids), and the distractions of screens everywhere… we’ve never needed to be reminded of God’s Word more.

We’ve read countless testimonies about the power of Scripture Art being the very thing that’s reminded believers to fix their eyes on Jesus. Simple glances on the way out the door… when cooking dinner in the kitchen… or when putting the baby down in the nursery.

Scripture art helps us meditate on God and His Kingdom, as commanded in Deuteronomy. “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:7).

Here are a few stories of how Scripture Art has reminded the God’s fingerprints community of God’ truth.


Soar On Wings Like Eagles and Letterpress Fingerprint - Isaiah 40:31 | Customer Review


Power, Steadfast, Confidence - Isaiah 40:31 | Customer Review


Perfect Peace - Isaiah 26:3 | Customer Review

Want to watch the making of “Perfect Peace”? You can
check out the Instagram video here.

“It’s been a journey we never knew we’d walk…” (Mother & Son Story)

 Earlier this year, we received an Instagram DM from a mother who just gave birth:

“I purchased your “I Will Carry You” bear print to put over the crib of our third child.
My water broke at 33 weeks and we just got home from a 10 day hospital stay for me—and a 5 day NICU stay for our son.
It’s been a journey we never knew we’d walk.
But, GOD!
Our son is tiny but healthy!
We named him Amos, which means carried by God.
Thank you for being a part of our journey."
– Tiffany L.

Perfect Bond of Peace - Colossians 3:14 | Customer Review
18"x24" Letterpress - Customer Review


How Scripture Art Helps Us Engage Others With God's Word

In Mark 16:15, Jesus states one of the most important commands in the entire Bible:

“He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'”

But, it’s not always easy to figure out how to share this good news. Many of us want to share the hope we have, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. Scripture Art is one of the easiest ways to do just that.

We’ve heard hundreds of stories over the years of how this community has used Scripture Art to spark conversations about God and His Word.

Whether it’s been a conversation starter at home, or in the office, or as a gift to a loved one.

Here are some of our favorite stories of how this community has spread the good news through Scripture Art:


18"x24" Letterpress - Customer Review


18"x24" Letterpress - Customer Review


18"x24" Letterpress - Customer Review


“It’s like God left His fingerprint on her…” (Foster child story)

"We were setting up our nursery to foster infants for short-term placements while the paperwork for their adoptions are completed.
We wanted something that would keep us focused on pouring Jesus' love into the babies while they were with us... as well as something that would be a witness to adoptive parents when they came to visit their little ones in our home.
When we found the God’s Fingerprint art print, we were ecstatic!
It's such a perfect symbol of the uniqueness of each child...
And... the God who is behind that, and who has an infinitely powerful love for them.
But, the piece became even more meaningful to us when we showed up at the hospital to pick up our first foster baby.
There on her cheek was a tiny birthmark... just the shape and size of a thumbprint.
My husband immediately thought, "it's like God left his fingerprint on her."Neither of us remembered the art piece in the moment, but later when we did, we knew it had to stay with that precious little girl forever.
So, now it hangs in the nursery of her home. And... her non-practicing adoptive parents feel this strong draw to keep it with her always.
They couldn't help but be amazed by the story and the beauty of the print—and the hope that it speaks over that little baby's life.
So, thank you for creating a piece of art that has become so much more than a piece of art to us and to a whole network of people!
It's beautiful in every way, and is being used to shine the light of God's word into a new home because of that!"

Tiny Verses - Customer Review


Trees of Faith Bundle- Customer Review


Tiny Prints - Customer Review


The Moment They Opened Their Gift…





Have a story to share? Comment below!

At God’s fingerprints, our mission has always been to declare the truth of God’s Word through artwork.

You can read more of how our story began here.

To say we’re grateful that this community has helped us fulfill this mission would be an understatement.

There’s nothing more important to us than to bring God’s Kingdom to earth. Loving God and loving our neighbor is at the heart of this movement.

When you display Scripture Art in your homes and your loved ones' homes as gifts, you’re helping declare the truth of God’s Word.

Thank you again!

If you have a story you’d like to share about how Scripture Art has impacted your life or the lives around you, share a comment below. We’d love to hear it.


Celebrating 10,000 Reviews

Reading next

15 Bible Verses about Waiting on the Lord
25 Bible Verses for Christmas Cards

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