25 Free Bible Wallpapers

Free Bible Wallpapers
Our original collection of 25 free Bible wallpapers.
Original designs inspired by Bible verses, these wallpapers make great backgrounds for mobile, tablet and desktop devices.
These biblical wallpapers are absolutely free. If you're curious about how we create artwork inspired by Bible verses, you can learn more in Our Story.
Get your free Bible wallpapers by clicking below.
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Bible Verse Wallpapers
Each wallpaper in this collection is inspired by a bible verse.
At God's fingerprints, we believe in the power of Scripture Art. That's why each of our wallpapers declare the truth of the Bible. The verses in each wallpaper are meant to remind you of the truths of the Scripture and encourage you in your faith.
We believe that seeing Bible verses in our daily life helps us to remember the truth of God's Word.
Wallpapers are simply one of the most effective ways to do that.

A preview of some of the 25 Bible Verse wallpapers for iPhone
Bible Verse Backgrounds
What are the benefits to having Bible verses as your backgrounds?
If you think about it, nearly every device we use has a background. Desktop or mobile — these backgrounds are a canvas to display what's most important to us. It's an opportunity to remind ourselves of what matters most.

A Bible verse background on your desktop... why not??
That's why we designed these 25 free bible verse backgrounds. No matter what device you use, these wallpapers will help you display Bible verses in your daily life.
Whether it's your desktop, phone or tablet — you'll be reminded of God's promises.
Bible verse wallpapers for desktop
For many of us, our computers are a part of our daily life.
Every time we open our computers to do work, browse the web, or connect with friends—we're greeted with our desktop background.
Instead of putting a random picture on your desktop, consider putting a wallpaper with a Bible verse.
With all the distractions that meet us each day, having Scripture as our desktop wallpaper is a simple way to stay focused on God's Word. It brings us back to what's most important.
Get your 25 bible verse wallpapers for desktop.

A few of the 25 Bible Desktop Wallpapers in the collection
Bible verse wallpapers for mobile
The average person opens their mobile phone around hundred times a day.
That's a lot of times to be viewing your lock-screen!
Putting bible verses on your mobile phone background is a simple hack to view more Scripture. Every time you open your lock-screen, you'll see a Bible verse.
This is especially helpful if you're trying to memorize a verse, or stay rooted in a particular truth from Scripture.
This collection of free Bible wallpapers has 25 unique wallpapers for your phone, in addition to desktop and tablet versions.
If that's not enough, you can also download our master collection of 75 free Christian wallpapers for your phone. That collection has a wider variety of artwork, but is only focused on mobile phone sizes.
No matter what way you look at it, putting scripture on your phone is a great idea!
Other Ideas for Bible Verse Wallpapers
Because this collection features desktop and tablet backgrounds, you can also print these wallpapers on your home printer to display on your walls.
We believe in the power of Scripture Art, and believe every Christian home should display it in their homes.
We sell high quality art prints to help do this, but we also know that not everybody is in a position to buy fine art for their home (or as a gift for loved ones).

We Christian Art Prints on our store — but we encourage you to print and frame these wallpapers as well
That's why we encourage you to use these bible verse wallpapers and print them off and display them in your home. They are formatted for horizontal (desktop) and vertical (tablet) formats, and both should fit within an 8x10 frame.
This is a simple and affordable way to give Scripture Art as gifts for fellow Christians, small group members or prayer partners.
Biblical Wallpapers
One of our core values at God's fingerprints is "Christ-centered".
That means do our best to trust the Lord and hold fast to the truth of His Word. Our faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of everything we do here.
That's why we create biblical artwork and design.
We believe that the Bible is the source of God's truth. It's the primary way we can know God's ways and His plan for our lives. The Bible helps us to know God and walk in obedience with him.
We know that these Bible wallpapers and desktop backgrounds probably won't change your life.
But we believe Scripture when it says that anytime His Word goes out into the world, it will accomplish what His purposes (Isaiah 55:9-11). It's possible that God uses these biblical wallpapers and backgrounds to do that.

You can print these tablet-sized wallpapers, which fit nicely into a 8x10 frame. There are 25 total in this collection.
So please, feel free to use them and share these biblical wallpapers with your friends.
With 25 different Bible wallpapers for each device, this collection has everything you need to display scripture on all your digital backgrounds.
Get these Bible verse wallpapers for free.
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Bible Wallpapers For All Devices
So there you have it, 25 free bible wallpapers for every device.
We hope you use them on your backgrounds and they help you focus more on God's Word.
Just a reminder — if you are looking for more wallpapers for your phone, you can also download our master collection of 75 Free Christian Wallpapers.
Please also feel free to print and frame these artworks (we recommend the desktop and tablet sizes).
This is an easy way to put put Scripture Art in your home.
We hope these artworks will be a blessing to you.

Bible Verse Wallpapers for every device
Bible Verse Artwork
At God's fingerprints, we create artwork for those who love God's Word.
In addition to providing Bible wallpapers with verses, we also create Scripture Art to display in your home.
We've sold thousands of art prints for people who want to fill their home with God's truth. If you'd like to view more of our artwork, you can check out our shop or visit our Instagram.
Grace and Peace
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