Are you looking to upgrade your home decor with Christian wall art?
Maybe you’ve been thinking about how you can light up your walls with some faith-based artwork.
Or, maybe you want to draw your family closer to God, and you’re looking for a creative and beautiful way to do so.
Well, if so… You’ve come to the right place.
Here, at God’s fingerprints, we just released a collection of 12 FREE Christian scripture wall arts! You can print off the artwork right from your printer and put them up on your wall in minutes.
Not only does this collection feature a variety of designs… But, each printable artwork highlights a different truth from the Word of God.
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The complete collection includes 12 printable Christian wall artworks with our original artwork. The artworks are formatted so you can print them off with your home printer. Each print is 8 ½ x 11.
These unique artworks can be framed with 8x10 frames. This frame size is easy to find at Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Joann, or any local craft store.
Want to save some time and skip out on a frame?
Light up your kitchen by placing them on your fridge.
Inside, you’ll find artwork that includes...
Verses about patience:
“Wait on the Lord; be strong, take heart, and wait on the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14)
Verses about growth:
“Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown.” (Matthew 13:8)
Verses about reading the Bible:
“But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.” (Psalm 1:2-3)
Our mission at God’s fingerprints is to declare the truth of God’s Word through artwork.
That’s why we created these free artworks—to fill homes around the world with beautiful artworks that highlight God’s Word.
We pray this free—and printable—collection of Christian wall art will be a blessing to you and your loved ones.
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Watch this printables review from Bible Journaling Ministries.
Contemporary Christian Wall Art
If you’ve spent any time browsing in-store or online, then you know just how difficult it is to find quality contemporary Christian wall art.
Whether you’re looking for artwork that can spark conversations about God’s Word…
Or you need a meaningful gift for a friend…
You’ll want to check out our modern Scripture Art below.
This contemporary Christian wall art is based on the song, “Way Maker”, which was originally written by Osinachi Joseph—known by her stage name, Sinach. The song topped the charts as one of the most popular Christian songs of 2020.
Sinach stated that she wrote the hit song after inspiration from Genesis 12.
“The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people, and your father’s household to the land I will show you.
“I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all the peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:1-3)
The song was written about the cry of Abram’s heart towards God. As Abraham (then Abram) was given this promise, God led him on a journey of faith. It was during this time He proved Himself as the promise keeper and light in the darkness.
If you’re a fan of the original song by Sinach... Or you love the cover by Leeland or Michael W. Smith, then this artwork will make for a great conversation piece in the home.
The Times & Places
“He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. (Acts 17:26-27)
This artwork is based on the message Paul preached to the Greek Gentiles on his mission to Athens. It features an overhead view of the housetops of a village.
This Christian wall art is a powerful reminder that God set out the exact time and place we would live. When things seem hopeless, or too difficult, it’s a reminder that God knows the season we’re in. He’s purposeful. He put us in our neighborhood, our city, and our country for a reason.
And, most important of all, we’re not just another number among thousands of others in our region. This verse promises that God isn’t far from any of us. He’s close. All we need to do is reach out to Him.
Christian Wall Art for the Living Room
The living room is the most sought after location for Scripture wall art. If you’re still brainstorming ideas for your living room, then check out these faith-based options below.
Wait on the Lord
“Wait on the LORD.
Be strong,
take heart,
and wait on the LORD.” (Psalm 27:14)
Psalm 27:14 is one of the most important verses when it comes to waiting on God. This Scripture Art is a great source of encouragement for anyone who’s going through a challenging season.
When we’re going through difficulties, and everything seems hopeless, the best thing we can do is wait on the Lord.
Sometimes we don’t have an answer from God. Sometimes everything seems to be going downhill. It’s in these moments that our strength needs to come from God. It’s about getting alone with God and His Word. It’s about trusting in His plans and purposes for our lives.
It’s in the waiting—that’s where our hearts are strengthened and encouraged.
Planted by Streams
“But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.” (Psalm 1:2-3)
This Scripture Art features a passage from Psalm 1 with an illustration of a tree bearing fruit by a stream of water.
This artwork is a reminder of the importance of leaning on God and His Word. Meditating on the Word of God… and specifically, delighting yourself in God’s law is how we bear fruit.
This passage of Scripture promises those who delight themselves in God’s law will be fruitful in due season, and will not wither.
Christian Wall Art for the Bedroom
Are you looking for a new piece to put in your bedroom? Maybe you’re wanting some faith-building artwork above your headboard?
Scripture Art displayed in the bedroom is a powerful way to stay connected to God and stand firm in your faith.
Of God’s commands, Deuteronomy states, “...Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:7)
One of the easiest ways to be reminded of God’s Word is to have it displayed visually in front of you when you wake up and go to sleep.
“Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” (Matthew 15:8)
This watercolor illustration includes an image of a seedling—a seed that recently sprouted from the soil. It’s paired with a verse that illustrates growth from a seed that fell on good soil.
After sharing this parable publicly, Jesus taught the meaning privately to His disciples. He explained that the seed is the Word of God and the one who produces a crop are those who hear it and retain it.
This artwork is a reminder that those who continue in God’s Word and keep it in their hearts will see God’s fruitfulness in their life.
Be Alert
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)
This painting was inspired by the Bible verse 1 Peter 5:8. It features a watercolor painting of a herd of deer above guidance from Scripture about the importance of being sober minded.
This Scripture Art serves as an important visual reminder to stay alert to stand against the wiles of the enemy.
Looking at the bigger picture of the artwork, the deer aren’t alone. They’re standing side-by-side. One of the greatest ways to stand firm in your faith is to stay close to God, and one another.
May this Christian wall art be a powerful reminder of the safety that comes with being alert, remaining in God’s Word, and keeping close to the body of Christ.
Christian Wall Art for the Office
Scripture Art isn’t just meant to be displayed at home. It’s a powerful reminder of God’s truth when you’re at the office too.
Whether you work at an office outside the home…
Or, you work from home in a dedicated office space…
These Scripture Artworks are inspiring reminders of God’s presence in your daily life.
He Must Be Everything
While most of our artworks feature an encouraging verse from the Bible, this one includes a quote from a leader in the faith.
Charles Spurgeon once said, "If Christ be anything he must be everything."
The truth in this statement couldn't be summed up any better. Jesus died on the cross to have all of us.
It can be easy to get caught up going through the motions of life. This Scripture Art serves as a reminder that He's worthy of being our "everything."
Christian Art for Kids
Proverbs 22:6 states, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
In this day and age—as parents— it’s not easy raising your child up in the Lord. There are countless temptations and distractions. When it comes to reading the Bible with your children, Scripture Art is a creative way to help make it come to life in their hearts.
Children, in particular, love visuals. That’s why the most popular children’s Bibles have illustrations in them.
Displaying Christian wall art in your children’s room is a simple way you can help them discover the truth of God’s Word.
Sometimes, we can get stuck going through the motions of parenting. It can be tempting to think of our kids as a chore rather than a blessing.
This Christian wall art is a reminder that children are a joy in our lives. It’s also a reminder of the love we have for them.
For our children, this artwork serves as a reminder of God’s love for them. That He’s a loving Heavenly Father who cares deeply for them. And that they are His children.
In fact, God’s Word states, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1).
You Make Me Strong
“I love you, LORD, my strength.” (Psalm 18:1)
This Scripture Art features a watercolor illustration of a golden eagle paired with the words “You make me strong” as inspired by Psalm 18.
As parents, our role is to raise our children to be strong and independent. However, God’s idea of strength is much different from the world’s idea. Strength in God’s eyes comes from complete reliance on His power and grace.
This Christian wall art is a powerful reminder for your children that God is the one who gives them strength. When they’re in need of strength, all they need to do is lean into God’s grace.
Don’t Forget Your Free Scripture Wall Art!
Want to display these art prints on your walls for free?
Download our Free collection of 12 original Scripture Artworks today. All you need is a standard home printer to get started. And, in minutes, you’ll have God’s Word gracefully displayed on the walls of your home.
This free collection of Christian Wall Art includes 12 unique artworks to illuminate your home with God’s Word. They’re already formatted so you can print them off at home—in only a few minutes!
The art prints easily fit into 8x10 frames which you can pick up from any local craft store.
Or, you can print two on each page to create greeting cards for your friends (as described in our blog post: 25 Bible Verses for Christmas Cards).
And… if you want some more free resources, don’t forget to check out our 75 Free Christian Wallpapers for your Phone. If you’ve been using the same wallpaper for months, then you’ll love our variety of encouraging phone wallpapers.
We pray these prints will be a blessing to you and your loved ones.
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Large Christian Wall Art (From Our Shop)
Do you have plenty of free space on a wall in your home? Or, are you wanting to rearrange your interior with some Christian decor?
Even though large Christian wall art can look beautiful…. Ordering, designing, and hanging it in the home can get tricky. Thankfully, we’ve got a couple options for you.
Our most popular premium artwork options include our collection of God’s fingerprints.

The ‘God’s fingerprint’ artwork is the perfect conversation piece for anyone looking for large Christian wall art.
The fingerprint has one handwritten verse from every book of the Bible.
It starts in Genesis (“In the beginning..”) and ends with “Hallelujah!” in Revelation. In between, you’ll find every book of the Bible represented.
If you’re thinking about what to give your friend or family member, God’s Fingerprint is also our favorite gift option.
Interested in More Premium Artwork From God's fingerprints?
Maybe you’re looking for a piece that’s made to last?
If you’re wanting gallery-quality Christian artwork… Then, take a look at a few of our premium artworks from our shop below. Each fine art print is printed on thick, fine art paper and made to last generations.
More Art Prints from Our Shop
In addition to the 12 free printable Christian artworks resource, we’ve also curated a selection of premium Christian Artworks you can display in your home (or give as gifts to loved ones.
Over the years, we’ve received over 10,000 positive reviews from people who love to fill their homes with God’s Word.
Each artwork from our shop is...
• Gallery quality Giclée art print
• Printed on thick fine art paper (250/290/300 gsm)
• Made from 100% cotton, acid free archival paper
• Crafted using archival inks for a long lasting beautiful print
• Easy to frame with a natural 1” border
• Shipped safely to your front door in sturdy packaging
• Covered by our 100% satisfaction guarantee
Are you...
Looking to find a unique Christian gift for a loved one?
Wanting to draw your own family closer to God?
Or, needing some daily encouragement in your home?
If so, Scripture Art is one of the most purposeful (and beautiful) ways to do it.
Patricia Lansford
Thank you for the prints. I’m saving up for the fingerprint of God KJV version. But I’m determined to get it done soon.
This artwork has blessed me!! Thankful & shared on my socials. <3
David Thomure
I love your artwork and plan to purchase some soon. I have always thought of the Fibonacci sequence as the “Fingerprint” of God. Are you familiar with it? Almost everything in nature, actually all of creation exhibits it. From the distance of electrons flying around molecules to the shape of galaxies. The measurements of the joints and appendages of our bodies to flowers and plants. Great artists use Fibonacci such as Leonardo da Vinci used it in their works.
Peggy Sweeney
Thank you for offering this wonderful collection. Looking forward to seeing them in hand and up close as I have many creative ideas for their use. Christian scriptures and written thoughts are far too few these days. I appreciate your effort to promote His word and bring His everlasting love to everyone.
Thank you.
Chris Rusnak
Thanks, these are fabulous!
God bless, Chris
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